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The effects of rest interval recovery based on muscle reoxygenation rates & maximal strength training performance
Ben Lewis
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Additional resources
The Dynamic Strength Index: is this a useful tool when making programming decisions?
The dynamic strength index (DSI) has been proposed as a diagnostic approach to manage strength training - how effective is it?
Evaluating strength and conditioning training techniques for autistic people
An in-depth exploration and description of the autism spectrum disorder, with crucial information for S&C coaches, followed by a discussion of effective coaching strategies for working with the autistic population.
Power In Rugby: From Gym to Field
Daniel Tobin
Dan Tobin, of Gloucester Rugby, session from the UKSCA's 2023 Conference examines theory and practice of 'power' training for elite rugby union players. Exploring ways to optimise gym based force-velocity qualities.
The use of cooling therapies for post exercise recovery
Adam Grainger
Adam presents a recent BASES Expert Statement on the use of cooling therapies for post exercise recovery.
Stress, Recover and Adapt: The potential influence of the female menstrual cycle
Dr Kirsty Hicks
This session examines the latest scientific evidence unravelling the effect of the menstrual cycle on performance, recovery, and adaptation.
Blood Flow Restriction: Research to Practice
Stephen Patterson
This session discusses the current state of blood flow restriction training, including applications for performance enhancement and recovery with practical examples.
Integrating S&C Principles
Royal Army Physical Training Core's presentation from the UKSCA 2022 Annual Conference.
Understanding growth & maturation and applying it to school age athletes
Sylvia Moeskops
Sylvia delivers S&C to young gymnasts and shares her use of growth and maturation data in her programmes.
Health, wellbeing and social change virtual symposium
David Hembrough
The event introduces the Special Interest Group and a call to action for coaches to consider the wider remit of S&C and their potential to make a difference in a different space.
The effect of fatigue on sprint acceleration kinematics in male Gaelic football players
Peter McGill
The effects of rest interval recovery based on muscle reoxygenation rates & maximal strength training performance
Ben Lewis
Youth S&C Roundtable
Rich Clarke
Live Q&A hosted by Rich Clarke, featuring panellists: Paudie Roche, Jamie Salter, Graham Williams, James Baker, Rhodri Lloyd & Ed Archer.
GPS in Gaelic football: Does volume or intensity better indicate player recovery time
Cian Gormley
Exploring the relationship between immunoendocrine concentrations and GPS metrics will allow coaches to better understand the recovery timelines of their athletes, allowing them to better periodise their recovery and training protocols.
Training and building the squat
Scott Pollock
This webinar delves into what it actually takes in order to train and build an effective and high level back squat.
The cutting movement assessment score (CMAS): A cumulative screening tool to identify athletes with high-risk movement mechanics during cutting
Thomas Dos'Santos
This study explores the relationship between cutting movement assessment score and peak KAMs via 3D motion analysis, and compare cutting mechanics between CMAS trials classed as high and low.
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