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Drive & Determination

By Tracey Neville

Tracey Neville MBE is a former England netball international and a former England head coach. As a player, she was a member of the England squad.

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Could our urge to protect be counter-productive?
This question is, does over-protection reduce resilience if a balance between protection and exposure to stress is needed for growth and adaptability.

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Four topics from two points of view: the practical and the philosophical
Work-life balance is a myth; You are not your job; Protecting your boundaries; Beyond a coach. Hard questions discussed.

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The philosopher coach: applying time-tested wisdom in the modern world
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How under-represented are women in sports coaching? An interview with Emily Handyside
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How to motivate university athletes using self- determination theory
The coach needs a comprehensive understanding of motivation to construct a positive training environment that is sensitive to the elemental motives of the athletes.

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Internships: How these should work in S&C
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Letter from the Editor: Innovation – a powerful, but often misunderstood, tool
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A call to coaching: collaboration, accountability, learning and leadership
Clive Brewer
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Thoughts and perceptions of weight cutting in Olympic Weightlifters
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Bring it all together - S&C Management
Des Ryan
Des Ryan works for Setanta College as Director of Coaching & Athletic Development, a leading performance manager and world-renowned practitioner in youth athletic development.

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Drive & Determination
Tracey Neville
Tracey Neville MBE is a former England netball international and a former England head coach. As a player, she was a member of the England squad.