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Quitting is not an Option

By Ali Jawad

Ali discusses his journey Para weightlifting at the paralympics in Beijing, London, Rio and Tokyo. Ali recently co-founded ‘Accessercise’ - changing disability access forever!

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The coach needs a comprehensive understanding of motivation to construct a positive training environment that is sensitive to the elemental motives of the athletes.

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Levering data as a secret weapon in strength and conditioning
Shaun McLaren
Shaun McLaren's UKSCA 2024 presentation. Discover how data literacy is becoming an essential skill for S&C coaches and how leveraging data can enhance athletic performance. He shares his experiences with data handling, visualisation, and the shift towards a data-informed decision-making process.

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The Future of Women's sport: Built on foundations of sand or stone?
Emma Ross
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Enhancing workload and managing fatigue in high workload athletes and dancers
Jamie Tallent
Dr. Jamie Tallent shared valuable insights at the UKSCA 2024 conference, focusing on micro-dosing and high-frequency training strategies in elite performance environments. His work with organisations like the Royal Ballet and elite sports teams demonstrates how adapting training can optimise physical performance, even in high-load environments.

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From Olympic Performance to Occupational Readiness
Phil Moreland
UKSCA 2024 Annual Conference. Phil dives into his experience transitioning from the Olympic sports world to working with the Australian Air Force, applying sports performance principles to occupational readiness for the tactical athlete.

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Thoughts and perceptions of weight cutting in Olympic Weightlifters
Thomas Gee

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Reconditioning - An Athletic Development-based model for athletes following injury
Bill Knowles
Bill's presentation centres on WHY he arrived at his current model of reconditioning.

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The Noble Art of Cat Herding: Lessons in Leadership and Motiviation
Simon Hartley
Simon Hartley is a globally respected sport psychology consultant and performance coach who has worked with gold medallists, world record holders and championship winning teams.

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Sustaining Success: 16 years with the All Blacks
Nic Gill
Nic Gill is a performance coach and consultant best known for his work as S&C coach for the NZ All Blacks for the last 16 years.

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Drive & Determination
Tracey Neville
Tracey Neville MBE is a former England netball international and a former England head coach. As a player, she was a member of the England squad.