We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to save you having to contact us.
- Who recognises the UKSCA and its accreditations?
- I want to move into strength & conditioning - can you recommend any courses?
- Do I need any qualifications to join the UKSCA?
- What books/resources do you recommend I should use to help me prepare for the MCQ element of the assessment?
- Do I have to complete all the workshops before I can become a UKSCA Accredited S&C Coach?
- What is the UKSCA educational pathway and where should I start on it?
- Do I get any exemption in the accreditation process for having a degree?
- Can you recommend any Strength and Conditioning degree programmes?
- What qualification do I get from completing the assessment day?
- What does your insurance cover?
- Can I be a Strength and Conditioning coach without having a degree?
- I am an Associate member looking for insurance when I practice. The insurance application form states that I need, "supervision" to practise. Can you clarify what this means?
- Once I become UKSCA Accredited, do I need to re-accredit at any point?
- If I am injured and unable to attend a workshop/assessment or wish to cancel my booking what is the standard cancellation policy?
- If I have a learning and/or physical disability - do I need to inform the office before my assessment day?
- I have booked onto a workshop, what time does it start, what do I need to bring with me etc?
- Everything is showing as fully booked on the website, what shall i do?
- I have just bought a membership but when I go to purchase a workshop place it doesn't show the members price.
- If you have not been able to find the answer to your question please email the office.
Got a question? We've put together this list of FAQs to help you out!
Who recognises the UKSCA and its accreditations?
Professional clubs and teams, Institutes of Sport as well as sports companies and training providers all recognise Accredited Strength and Conditioning Coaches (ASCC).
The UKSCA was originally formed in 2004 by key employers in sport as they recognised the need for professional standards in this developing profession. Please visit this section of the website showing the latest jobs available to our Accredited member. This is a free service we offer to employers in S&C. Jobs in S&C
I want to move into strength & conditioning - can you recommend any courses?
The UKSCA has developed a 2 day workshop specifically to introduce some key S&C skills to participants. The Foundation Workshop is highly practical and is aimed at anyone looking to enter the profession and wanting a clear and progressive development pathway. It focuses on key practical coaching skills, giving you the ability to add essential strength and conditioning skills to your current coaching practice. Also to anyone wishing to add best practice strength and conditioning to their existing roles e.g. PE teachers, sports specific coaches, personal trainers, undergraduate students etc. For the learning outcomes of the workshops please follow the link Foundation Workshop
Do I need any qualifications to join the UKSCA?
No. Anyone with an interest in strength and conditioning can join the UKSCA as an Associate member and anyone who successfully demonstrates their competence though our assessment process can become an Accredited member.
The aim of the UKSCA is not to standardise routes into the profession or dictate which courses you must take - we are aware that practitioners come from a variety of educational and experience backgrounds and accrediting individuals through our assessment process ensures that all Accredited Members have met the required standards of practice. See this section of our website for more information - Develop your S&C Career / Becoming an Accredited S&C Coach.Develop your career
What books/resources do you recommend I should use to help me prepare for the MCQ element of the assessment?
The MCQ element of the assessment covers certain topic areas of underpinning knowledge required to practice as an independent S&C coach and the pass mark is 65%. As with all the areas identified in the UKSCA Competency Document, each candidate will need to self-assess to determine the areas of knowledge and skill in which they feel they need more training/education.
To help members prepare, we now offer sample MCQ papers (go to the Shop / Books and Resources section of our website) which, along with the UKSCA Competency Document, will not only give you a feel for the types of questions covered, but also to what level of detail in these subject areas your knowledge will be tested.
For example, there are 4 questions per paper, on section A1.4 of the UKSCA Competency Document - Skeletal structure responses to training stimuli. If this is an area you feel you need more knowledge in, or you simply need to brush up your knowledge, then you can pinpoint texts/education opportunities to help you prepare for this.
There are a whole host of text books available that cover areas of knowledge required for the UKSCA assessment process however, at this point in time, we cannot recommend one book that comprehensively covers everything you need to know.
There are a whole host of text books available that cover areas of knowledge required for the UKSCA assessment process however, at this point in time, we cannot recommend one book that comprehensively covers everything you need to know.
Do I have to complete all the workshops before I can become a UKSCA Accredited S&C Coach?
No. The UKSCA workshops have been designed to offer a clear pathway into strength and conditioning at all levels. If becoming an Accredited S&C Coach is your ultimate aim, then you should start by self-assessing your existing skills and knowledge against the UKSCA Competency Document, as well as reading the guidelines for the assessment day. If you identify any gaps you have, then you can look at the workshops we offer (as well as training and education from 3rd parties), that will help you develop in these areas. See the "Develop your S&C Career" section of our website for more information.
What is the UKSCA educational pathway and where should I start on it?
You do not have to start at the Foundation Workshop and work your way up. Where you begin on the pathway is up to you, based on your current skills and expertise. We would advise you to start by looking at the assessment day guidelines and self-assess yourself against the criteria to decide what areas you need to develop in. You can also look at the learning outcomes of each workshop to see if you can already do/know the things that are covered in each then work backwards through the learning outcomes of the workshops. By working through the assessment competency document and viewing the learning outcomes of the various workshops you can then decide on the appropriate level of training. The section of the website - Develop your S&C Career/Becoming a UKSCA Accredited Strength and Conditioning (ASCC) Coach will explain in more detail. The learning outcomes for the all the individual workshops can be found via this link Workshops
Do I get any exemption in the accreditation process for having a degree?
No, as we run a competency based assessment of S&C coaches, having a degree does not make you exempt from completing the UKSCA’s accreditation process but of course the knowledge and skills you have obtained should support you in your assessment.
Can you recommend any Strength and Conditioning degree programmes?
The UKSCA does not recommend any degree or masters programmes. Some of the new S&C degrees will cover topics relating to the UKSCA assessment and they may help you prepare for your assessment during your degree. There are also a number of courses advertising that they will help you meet the UKSCA standards. We haven’t assessed any 3rd party courses, so if they claim to help you through the UKSCA Accreditation or profess to meet our standards, the most important question to ask is whether the lecturers/coaching staff on a course are UKSCA Accredited themselves and also which areas of the curriculum support which areas of the UKSCA Competency Document. The detailed answers you get to these questions should help you determine which course is best for you and your needs.
What qualification do I get from completing the assessment day?
On successful completion of the assessment process, you will be able to register as an Accredited Member of the UKSCA and use the letters ASCC (Accredited Strength & Conditioning Coach) after your name. It is not a qualification, but a professional standard of practice, that employers and the industry use when employing and developing their staff.
What does your insurance cover?
The UKSCA has worked with leading insurance broker Graybrook to create the UK's only professional liability insurance scheme for Strength & Conditioning Coaches.
The policy is open to both Accredited and Associate members and extra activities/therapies can be added, including your work as a tutor.
It is underwritten by AXA insurance. Please contact the office for more information or visit Graybrook's website. Insurance
Can I be a Strength and Conditioning coach without having a degree?
There are many S&C coaches in the UK who do not have a degree. Each employer will look for different qualities from the coach but as the profession is growing and becoming increasingly competitive, employers have a wider choice of candidates when advertising jobs and will therefore, over time, increase the level of criteria in their job specifications. Different employers will value certain attributes higher than others so we advise you to look at the jobs on offer and that you aspire to and determine whether the skills, qualifications and experience you have are valued and what areas you need to develop in. Jobs in S&C
I am an Associate member looking for insurance when I practice. The insurance application form states that I need, "supervision" to practise. Can you clarify what this means?
As a registered Associate member of the UKSCA, you are entitled to apply for our insurance through the leading insurance broker Graybook. As part of your insurance application form, you will need to supply a letter of support from an Accredited member of the UKSCA, who ratifies your ability as an Associate member of the UKSCA under his/her guidance. The supporting Accredited member will be responsible for ensuring you, as the Associate, are aware of the UKSCA code of practice and will also be responsible for viewing any programmes you develop for clients. In addition, they must be available to answer questions and to provide advice. Please note, 'supervision' does not mean that the supervisor has to be present while you, as the practitioner, are working. The UKSCA is not responsible for finding you an Accredited member to support your insurance application, you will need to make the contact with the Accredited member directly. Insurance
Once I become UKSCA Accredited, do I need to re-accredit at any point?
Yes. The UKSCA operates a continuing professional development (CPD) scheme whereby accredited members need to submit evidence of their CPD activities every 2 years. Full details of the requirements can be found under the Membership/Renewing members page of this website
If I am injured and unable to attend a workshop/assessment or wish to cancel my booking what is the standard cancellation policy?
All cancellations or alterations to a booking must be made via email or letter and a cancellation charge will be incurred depending on the notice received:
*21 days or over - 100% refunded
* Between 6 days and 20 days notice - 50% refunded
* 5 days or less - no refund
A full refund of these fees will only be provided in exceptional circumstances. Please contact the office for further information. If you are injured and booked to attend a workshop or an assessment day, please contact the office. We would normally advise you to defer to a later date. Please note that we will need to see medical evidence in order to accommodate any transfer to another date and/or refund.
*21 days or over - 100% refunded
* Between 6 days and 20 days notice - 50% refunded
* 5 days or less - no refund
A full refund of these fees will only be provided in exceptional circumstances. Please contact the office for further information. If you are injured and booked to attend a workshop or an assessment day, please contact the office. We would normally advise you to defer to a later date. Please note that we will need to see medical evidence in order to accommodate any transfer to another date and/or refund.
If I have a learning and/or physical disability - do I need to inform the office before my assessment day?
The UKSCA is an inclusive organisation. Please inform the office (as far in advance and at least 7 days before your assessment), if any special provision is required to cater for your needs. You should also inform the Lead Assessor on the day.
The assessment process is the same for all candidates unless a special provision has been planned and agreed ahead of time, with appropriate supporting evidence held on the candidate's records. If you are injured we recommend that you defer to a later date.
I have booked onto a workshop, what time does it start, what do I need to bring with me etc?
Once you have booked onto a workshop you will receive notification in the post, a receipt and an instructions sheet. All workshops are run over 2 days, (day 1 - 9.30am-17.00pm finish, day 2 - 9.00am - 16.30pm finish) unless otherwise stated. On completion of the workshops you will receive a certificate of attendance and workshop handbook that you can take away. We advise you bring a pen and paper to make notes if you wish. The workshops and the assessments are practical and you will be involved in the exercises (apart from the PEP workshop) we would advise you to dress in sports kit. Lunch is not provided over the weekend, we advise you to bring a packed lunch and a water bottle to use through the day. There is no videoing allowed on the workshops. Under no circumstances should the content be made available publicly or distributed in any format or form.
At the time of booking please inform the office if any special provision regarding learning and/or physical disabilites is required. This will help us to ensure your needs are catered for.
Everything is showing as fully booked on the website, what shall i do?
Our workshop and assessment days are very popular and so sell out quickly. We advise you to check the website regularly. We also hold a waiting list for assessment days, if you wish to be placed on the waiting list please contact the office via email. Priority will be given to those already booked on another assessment day so we advise you to book the soonest availability.
I have just bought a membership but when I go to purchase a workshop place it doesn't show the members price.
The website is updated regularly, please allow 24 hours for your order to be processed. If you are experiencing any problems please contact the office.
If you have not been able to find the answer to your question please email the office.
email info@uksca.org.uk