The UKSCA's next face-to-face assessor training workshop will be held on 4 May 2025 at St. Marys University, Twickenham, London.
UKSCA Accredited S&C Coaches, looking to become Licensed Assessors for the new S&C Trainer qualification need to attend one of our 1-day face-to-face workshop, as well as complete eLearning modules and a portfolio of their work. We run 3-4 of these face-to-face workshops a year, based on demand. This is our 14th course and over 125 UKSCA members have already attended.
Contact the UKSCA office team to arrange a 1-hour Zoom meeting where you will be taken through the qualification and partnership model in more detail.
If you have already had one of these meetings, contact the UKSCA office team to book your place on this next workshop.
For the current UKSCA S&C Coach accreditation process, we employ a panel of assessors to assess candidates’ skills and knowledge on our assessment days.
In order to support the widespread demand for the new S&C Trainer Diploma, we have created a process whereby others can run the S&C Trainer assessments in their own organisations - the UKSCA Licensed Assessor for S&C Trainer is born!
Any UKSCA Accredited S&C Coach (ASCC) can become an assessor for the S&C Trainer standard. They are taken through our assessor training course, after which they will not only become a UKSCA Licensed Assessor but also gain an assessor qualification through our awarding body partner: the Transcend Level 5 Diploma for UKSCA Assessors.
There are 4 steps in the assessor training course:
- Complete eLearning module, online quiz and pre-workshop tasks. The eLearning module covers the underpinning theory required of assessors of vocational training courses. This is non-S&C specific and covers topics such as the different methods of assessment and the legal requirements. If someone already has an assessor qualification then they do not need to go through all the eLearning modules, but we do require them to take the quiz at the end, to ensure their knowledge is current. Prior to the face-to-face workshop, there are also some videos to watch and review.
- Attend the face-to-face workshop. This is a 1-day classroom-based workshop where attendees will be taken through the S&C Trainer standard is more detail, practicing assessing candidates and contributing to the standardisation of the assessment decisions.
- Start assessing under the remote supervision of the UKSCA until signed-off. After the 1-day workshop, the trainee assessor can start delivering the S&C Trainer Diploma, assessing students straight away. However, in order to ensure the consistency of decision making, we require these first assessments to be videoed, submitted. and 'double-marked' by our QA panel to ensure they are assessing at the right level. Once signed off, the trainee assessor can then assess independently.
In theory, this means someone could attend the 1-day assessor training workshop and then start assessing real candidates the day after. - Complete the reflective practice portfolio to gain the assessor diploma. In order to gain the Level 5 Diploma for UKSCA Assessors, the trainee assessors are required to complete a portfolio of evidence. The videos collected in step 3 above forms a large part of this evidence, but in addition they are required to evidence their reflections on their practice.