By Andrew Mitchell, RSCC, CSCS, Tampa Bay Rays, Tampa, Florida, USA
Effective and efficient communication strategies – on both micro and macro levels – are imperative for success as a sports coach. Effective coaching in all realms of human performance requires the balancing of a wide range of inputs. What could once have been considered a relatively simple task, often based on anecdotal evidence and trial and error, is now a more complex interconnection of fields such as sports science and sports nutrition. Coaches must communicate daily in a high-stakes environment, making critical decisions across multiple disciplines.This concept of critical omnidirectional communication in a large-scale organisation is of course already familiar within the worlds of business, finance, and medicine, where those involved obtain formal university education before their careers, often supplemented by additional training through their employer's human resources department.
However, unlike those worlds, those who study exercise science, kinesiology, physiology, coaching and similar fields are rarely exposed to the importance of what are often termed ‘soft skills’, skills that benefit their classically trained counterparts. Typically, coaches do not learn the basics of managing meetings, crafting emails, or mentoring juniors until they are tasked with it themselves as professionals. Although much has been written regarding how to work effectively with a sports coach lacking an understanding of strength and conditioning (S&C) principles,7 today the field consists of more than just sport and performance coaches and the skills associated with effective communication play an ever more important role.
Given the exponential growth in the demands of the profession – demands which often coincide with ever-increasing stakes – performance coaches must now arm themselves with more advanced tools for effective communication. The increased size of competitive sports clubs alone magnifies every decision made within the organisation, resulting in a butterfly effect.9 For example, when a manager changes a line-up three days before a match, the S&C coach must alter the training volume and intensity parameters programmed by the sports science team to allow for adequate recovery. Equally, the dietician would be required to change their post-training/pre-match recommendations, ultimately affecting players’ match-readiness. Ideally, to mitigate the stress of simple line-up changes, conversations regarding player readiness should occur before final decision-making. However, these systems are often incompletely implemented due to these multiple challenges. Like many other industry leadership practices and business development, sports organisations need to function similarly to a game of chess, with each piece in a position to succeed based on the demands of the chosen strategy.12 Following this model, confrontation does not disappear but slows as relationships improve, allowing participants to process and react to information with a higher level of ability.5 As a result, better pre-emptive decision-making and conflict resolution ensue, creating long-term solutions which are essential for the performance department’s process.4
Consequently, frameworks that facilitate effective communication can be extremely valuable to any performance environment. In this article I propose a model, known as the Skill-Will Matrix, popularised by The Tao of Coaching by Max Landsberg, which creates an outline for optimal communication strategies to jumpstart a performance department's evolution towards an ideal organisational workflow.12 This matrix provides a simple strategy for effectively assessing the relationship between motivation and relevant skill level to assist today’s sports performance coach in working cohesively with superiors, direct reports, peers, supporting departments, and athletes.6 Understanding the matrix and its context within sports performance is critical to its successful adoption and implementation.
The Skill-Will Matrix is a conceptual framework that divides individuals into four quadrants based on their skill level (high or low) and their intrinsic will level, ie, motivation (high or low). The four quadrants are as follows:
1. High Skill/High Will (HS/HW): Competent and motivated individuals
2. High Skill/Low Will (HS/LW): Competent individuals but lacking motivation
3. Low Skill/High Will (LS/HW): Motivated individuals but lacking competence
4. Low Skill/Low Will (LS/LW): Individuals lacking competence and motivation
Understanding which quadrant an individual falls into allows a coach to tailor communication and management strategies. Each quadrant has an optimal communication style based on the individual’s needs and on how they can best serve the organisation given their level of skill and motivation (see Figure 1):2
High Skill/High Will (HS/HW): Delegate
Individuals with high motivation and skill can accomplish almost any task - with or without the team. Delegating tasks, plans, and objectives to these individuals allows them to find success while keeping them aligned with the club's timeline and focus.
High Skill/Low Will (HS/LW): Inspire
Those skilled enough to succeed but lacking motivation to participate often require help finding their fit. Placing individuals in this quadrant in positions that highlight their skills sets them for success and results in small victories and greater motivation for future participation.
Low Skill/High Will (LS/HW): Guide
Staff or athletes falling in this quadrant have the desire to participate and improve but lack the prerequisite skills required to be team members of consequence. Guiding these individuals step by step, teaching along the way, and capitalising on their intrinsic motivation will build their skills to become useful in future endeavours, potentially requiring outside aid, coursework, or leadership through mentorship.
Low Skill/Low Will (LS/LW): Direct
Individuals in this quadrant require direction in its simplest form, emphasising the need for task clarity. This is the most hands-on approach of the Skill/Will Matrix, as these members require step-by-step instructions, delivered as clearly as possible, in order to ensure compliance, both long and short-term.
By utilising optimal communication strategies associated with each quadrant, coaches can ensure support for each member of their team in a way that maximises potential and contributes to the overall organisational success.6
As a S&C coach, communicating effectively with a department director is crucial for the success of the individual coach, S&C department, and club overall. The director is charged with building a staff capable of realising the vision and mission of the department within the context of the organisation; therefore, effective communication with the director ensures personal plans and actions align with overall organisational goals. By applying the Skill-Will Matrix, a coach better understands a director's capabilities and motivations; tailoring their communication strategies fosters a productive relationship and ensures proper alignment.1
High Skill/High Will (HS/HW)
A director in this quadrant is a valuable asset for coaches at any level, as they have the desired skill set to provide value and are intrinsically inclined to do so. A potential negative in this scenario is that the director will function independently without the continued input of the S&C staff. Here, an S&C coach should leverage their director's expertise and enthusiasm to drive the larger team forward, approaching work collaboratively, delegating items for buy-in, and allowing for regular feedback opportunities. For example, instead of proposing an entire programme, it can be effective to supply excerpts and actively seek feedback that caters to the director’s specific skill set. Emphasising collaborative goal-setting and long-term planning through strategic discussions can reduce the chances of the director advancing independently of the team. Confidently presenting new ideas for discussion can help gain a receptive and proactive response from the director. Regular updates and progress reports can keep the director engaged and informed, ensuring that both parties align on the larger team objectives.12 This will allow all members of the team to feel included and as equal contributors to overall success because they will help build with their superior as opposed to in response to their superior.
High Skill/Low Will (HS/LW)
A highly skilled director lacking motivation presents a unique challenge. It is not the responsibility of the S&C coach to inspire their superior, but it is helpful to have the tools to navigate a situation successfully. In this case, the coach should identify the underlying cause(s) of a director's demotivation. These could range from burnout or external pressures to dissatisfaction with their role or organisation. Approaching conversations with an open mind, seeking to understand the director's perspective and finding the most advantageous avenue for cooperation while still honouring the organisational hierarchy and role responsibilities can be effective.8 Potential strategies to re-engage the director include offering additional support or resources, highlighting successful undertakings – personally and through the lens of overall club success – and highlighting their positive impact on the team's success to reignite their motivation.3 These actions should be taken in an attempt to empathise without overstepping boundaries, allowing a positive relationship to continue regardless of career trajectory. Using the matrix to evaluate situation-specific events can aid a coach in thinking of both short- and long-term solutions.
Low Skill/High Will (LS/HW)
A motivated director lacking the necessary skills may be challenging to navigate. Attempting to mentor a superior can be detrimental to career advancement if handled poorly, similar to situations presented in working with an HS/LW director. Guiding a director must be strategically framed as a mutual journey to learn and grow as professionals. It helps to encourage the director to engage with experts in areas that are beneficial to advancing both club and staff. This can assist with delegating key tasks to other experts to grow the network of all involved, allowing all members to participate and learn together. Providing clear and constructive feedback with encouragement and recognition of their efforts can help the director gain confidence and competence in their role.10
Low Skill/Low Will (LS/LW)
A director lacking skill and motivation can be demanding to work with, regardless of level. Open and honest conversations about their challenges and the impact on the team's success are essential but may be difficult, and inappropriate, depending on club culture. Unless there is a healthy relationship built on multidirectional feedback in a club, it is often best to delegate this conversation to another leader within the organisation. Human resources and talent and acquisition staff are trained in these issues and these staff are available to all staff members, regardless of position or tenure. A key component in taking full advantage of the Skill-Will Matrix is to firstly understand where individuals fall, and secondly to take the correct course of action, regardless of what may feel like an emotional obligation.
By classifying a director within the Skill-Will Matrix, a S&C coach can tailor their communication strategies to address the director's unique needs to benefit all parties involved. This approach ensures that the director feels supported by their staff in a way that maximises their potential while contributing to the overall team's success. Immediate communication with a director ensures clarity and success for future communication with the S&C staff under their leadership. Utilising the Skill-Will Matrix as a dynamic tool, meaning regularly assessing and adjusting strategies based on continuous feedback and alterations regarding a director's effective quadrant maintains a productive and collaborative working relationship, eliciting stronger communication and a more cohesive organisational structure for all leaders within the club.6
Figure 2 depicts the Skill-Will Matrix, with the four quadrants labelled to represent different scenarios for directors based on their experience and skill set. In the bottom right quadrant, a highly skilled but low-will director faces burnout; the top right shows a director excelling in an idyllic situation with both high skill and high will; the bottom left highlights an underperforming director struggling with both low skill and low will, as well as external distractions reducing their motivation; the top left features a motivated director eager to improve despite lacking advanced skills.
Communication with direct reports is crucial for day-to-day operations and long-term development for departments and individuals. The Matrix can help these relationships become one of the most rewarding parts of coaching, for all parties involved. As coaches progress in their careers, they mentor athletes purposefully and also accidentally through their socialisation within a programme. However, these events rarely occur before becoming a club director, leaving a multitude of eager assistants and interns with underwhelming experiences. There are countless opportunities to gain mentorship experience early in a coaching career via junior members, and gaining experience as a leader enhances both club culture and individual success once promoted later in one’s career.
High Skill/High Will (HS/HW)
First and foremost, direct reports in this category should be made aware of their potential for positive impact and acknowledged for the value they have already provided. They will appreciate routine recognition of their skill set, both privately and often in public, and welcome the challenge of new tasks. Regular check-ins are essential to ensure they are continuously being challenged and maintaining engagement. Delegating important tasks to them, and involving them in strategic planning can keep motivation high, which has the advantage of keeping them on-mission, rather than departing for personal gratification.6 Using the Matrix to its full extent allows for real-time course-correction, while at the same time preventing future issues.
High Skill/Low Will (HS/LW)
For those who are skilled but unmotivated, you need to understand their concerns and provide support. These individuals require motivation, but the most effective form is not always verbal praise or acknowledgment. Instead, attempt to motivate them by using tactics such as adjusting responsibilities to align with their interests, creating gamification or positive competition, offering additional support or resources, or discussing career aspirations to ensure engagement.5 Chris Voss’ trademarked concept, ‘Tactical Empathy’, utilises strategies with these individuals such as open-ended questions, labelling, and complex motivational interviewing tools.13 The Matrix underscores the importance of meeting competent individuals at their level and where and when they want to be met, in order to create rapport and deepen connection, thus enhancing optimal communication.
Low Skill/High Will (LS/HW)
Motivated but less skilled individuals require clear and consistent skill development plans and guidance. If the Skill/Will Matrix classifies a direct report in this quadrant, providing regular feedback, training opportunities, and encouragement will help build the necessary skills to be an impactful team member. Note that highly motivated individuals are not always aware of their limited skill set, resulting in the displacement of team time and energy away from tangible coaching opportunities. It can be frustrating when talent does not match ambition, but resolution is fully possible with proper guidance and dual party buy-in. Effective tactics here include maintaining motivation by setting achievable goals, providing routine mentorship, and celebrating progress regularly.2
Low Skill/Low Will (LS/LW)
Direct reports in this quadrant require direct communication, emphasising role clarity and expectations. Identifying external factors affecting performance and providing insight into issues and links between them is a good starting point. After this, prioritising the need for skill or motivation development can keep the process moving. It is important to provide support and resources for their improvement and to let them know that a discussion is required about role changes if improvement is not seen.11 Performance improvement plans (PIPs) are valuable tools that provide direct tasks and outcomes for progress evaluation. These, and other performance-related tools, are routinely used in departments such as human resources; coaches should feel encouraged to take full advantage of their organisation’s people teams.
Place direct reports in a position to succeed so that they can be productive members of the organisation and allow their leaders freedom to focus on their development rather than their quality of work. Initially, when working with direct reports, utilising the Skill/Will Matrix can evaluate strengths and weaknesses. It may be that skill set and motivation are tightly linked, in which case it is may be best to put them in situations where they can be successful with little oversight to promote independent thinking. If skill and motivation are not tightly linked, introducing new challenges and providing opportunities to develop new skill sets through experience outside their comfort zone can be effective. Regardless of the quadrant, advocating their role in the organisation through routine assessment of skill, motivation, and development is important.
Figure 3 below shows the Skill-Will Matrix, illustrating different scenarios for direct reports based on their skill sets and motivation and how both coincide with experience and commitment to the situation they may be in. In the bottom right quadrant, a highly skilled but low-motivation report is disengaged, perhaps feeling overqualified; the top right shows a report excelling with both high skill in a situation with positive ramifications for their future, resulting in high motivation; the bottom left highlights a new report struggling with low skill and the unfortunate news they are being let go in post-season; and the top left features a motivated report eager to improve despite lacking advanced skills.
Although there are many departments which collaborate within sports performance teams, one of the most common of the crossovers for the S&C staff occurs with the medical team (eg, physiotherapist, athletic trainers and physical therapists) tasked with acute and chronic injury care. Collaboration with medical staff at all levels is vital for the health and performance of the athletes due to factors such as their ownership of recovery modalities for active players, the return to performance training, and the prevention of time lost due to soreness or injury. Although the strategies below focus on medical staff, they can be implemented when working with all cross-functional departments such as nutrition, sports science, and sports coaches. When utilising the matrix outside of one’s own department, it is imperative to keep in mind the specificity of the skill set required to succeed in a niche department such as medical. A skill set which struggles to succeed inter-departmentally is not necessarily weak, but is probably so highly specific that its strength is dependent on context.
High Skill/High Will (HS/HW)
Medical staff in this quadrant maintain a high level of expertise and care about the success of their organisation. They should be involved in early stages and high-level thinking like strategic health and performance planning in order to feel active participants in overall team success. Their skill set and motivation make them ideal partners for developing comprehensive projects such as return-to-performance programmes and active recovery plans. Although they are essential assets to the team, clarity of expectations within defined roles is paramount for these individuals to succeed. Regular meetings to discuss athlete health and performance with clear standard operating procedures ensure medical staff’s success while mitigating conflict from overreach into the responsibilities of the performance department.6 It is easy to assume individuals in this quadrant are ‘good to go’, but it is also important to remember that no individual is without risk. The Matrix reminds users to evaluate all aspects of communication, and in this instance particularly negative over-communication, resulting in blurred lines of job duties and task delegation.
High Skill/Low Will (HS/LW)
Skilled but less motivated medical staff may require additional inspiration to feel comfortable taking on work in conjunction with performance staff. Harbouring a sense of community amongst disciplines under the larger performance staff umbrella can help increase motivation through a sense of belonging. It is important to meet individuals at their level, without becoming overwhelming, in an effort to collaborate, by understanding their workload, and acknowledging their abilities as they relate specifically to performance training.5 Again, it is not the duty of the S&C coach to provide mentorship to a member of another team; the intentional evaluation of both personal style and club culture is critical to success.
Low Skill/High Will (LS/HW)
Motivated medical staff who require further training benefit from education opportunities within their field. It is important to note that it should be the goal of the S&C coach to build an individual’s skills to collaborate adequately with the S&C department only, and any resources provided should relate to an S&C project at hand. When working with a high-willed individual, a coach should feel confident in approaching discussions, as the individual will appreciate the opportunity to contribute positively to the larger team. However, when discussing medical topics outside the S&C coach's expertise, it is up to the supervisors and leaders of the medical staff to regulate their own mentorship and skill education. Similarly to other departments, providing regular feedback and collaborating on initiatives to develop their skills and become more competent team members are key tasks.10
Low Skill/Low Will (LS/LW)
In order to maintain a positive working relationship with medical staff struggling with skill and motivation, a S&C coach should feel encouraged to provide clear expectations and support as it relates to the S&C department.7 Should a S&C coach want to encourage motivation within this individual, finding what interests them in their chosen field, and mirroring the relationship with resources to S&C can be beneficial. This parallel mentality creates a shared-language base for an effective and communicative relationship, regardless of motivation or skill level.
Communicating and demonstrating cohesion across disciplines can be a stressful but hugely productive endeavour and should be cautiously handled. This is a common finding throughout the performance industry: interwoven departments with complementary pieces that no longer function independently appear to be most effective. Furthermore, as the backgrounds and experiences of these team members often differ, prior education is needed for parties to align on expectations and skills. The powerful integration of disciplines can weaponise any organisation, eg, when football clubs highlight seamless integration of their medical and performance staff in their ‘return to play’ and rehab programmes, or even further when they demonstrate prominent usage of sports science. Sports organisations and their respective departments should prioritise routine education, and open channels of communication, with open and honest feedback helping to manage the individual personalities which will always present in any organisation.
Figure 4 depicts the Skill-Will Matrix illustrating different scenarios for medical staff working cross-functionally with a strength and conditioning department. In the bottom right quadrant, a highly skilled but low-motivation medical staff member struggles with engagement in collaborative efforts due to external opportunities; the top right shows a staff member thriving with both high skill and high motivation in cross-functional tasks; the bottom left highlights a new staff member risking burnout with both low skill and low motivation in this interdisciplinary work due to lack of experience and a new task being assigned at the end of a disappointing season; the top left features a motivated staff member eager to enhance their skills in collaboration, despite lacking advanced expertise.
The Skill-Will Matrix is a powerful tool for enhancing organisational communication but is often currently overlooked within the sports performance industry. By understanding and addressing the unique needs of all team members based on their skill and motivation levels, a S&C coach can foster a more efficient and effective environment, built on dynamic omni-directional communication potentially benefiting all departments, not just S&C.
Although implementing the Skill-Will Matrix to its highest degree requires regular assessment, tailored communication, and continuous feedback, its success in fast-paced, high-stakes industries should not be overlooked. Allowing individuals the opportunity to learn and actively practise communication and other soft skills is an approach already widely accepted in industries outside of performance coaching, where social and economical stakes can be just as high, if not higher.
Sports performance continues to evolve as an industry, growing in both the quantity of departments, as well as the intensity of impact of said departments’ singular decisions. There is no current end in sight when it comes to the growth and impact of the performance industry, making it worthwhile for organisations to adopt dynamic communication models sooner rather than later. The Skill-Will Matrix, although just one of many tools capable of streamlining an organisation's internal decision-making and communication, is an effective starting point to help an organisation strategically position itself for greater maturation in future ventures.
1. Allison, M and Allison, E. Managing Up, Managing Down. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster. 1986.
2. Batra P. Eisenhower box for prioritising waiting list of orthodontic patients. Oral Health and Dental Management, 16: 1-3. 2021.
3. Covey S. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. New York, NY: Free Press. 1989.
4. Duhigg C. The Power of Habit. New York, NY: Random House Publishing Group. 2013.
5. Duhigg C. Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection. New York, NY: Random House Publishing Group. 2024.
6. Gardner R. A complete guide to the skill will matrix [free template]. AIHR. Accessed: 2024 May 10. Available from:
7. Gilliam A. The importance of boundaries and roles for coaches. NSCA Coach, 9(4): 6-9. 2023.
8. Grenny J, Patterson K, Maxfield D, McMillan R, and Switzler A. Crucial Influence: Leadership Skills to Create Lasting Behavior Change. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. 2023.
9. Jeffreys I. How to thrive in a complex world: the role of systems thinking. Professional Strength & Conditioning, 60: 33-42. 2021.
10. Kaleem A, Naheed N, Ahmad S. Evidencing personal & professional development, perspective of a surgical trainee. Surgical Science, 7(3):157-169. 2016.
11. Kennedy D and Porter A. The illusion of urgency. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 86(7): 8914. 2021.
12. Landsberg M. The Tao of Coaching: Boost Your Effectiveness at Work by Inspiring and Developing Those Around You. London, England: Profile Books Ltd. 2003.
13. Voss C and Raz T. Never Split the Difference. New York, NY: Harper Business. 2016.
Andrew is a strength and conditioning coach for the Tampa Bay Rays, working primarily at the training complex with rehab assignments and rookies/draftees, specialising in speed development and RTP. Previously, he worked in the high-end private sector of San Francisco, where he led comprehensive education for Equinox’s professional development department in addition to maintaining his position as one of the top Tier X coaches in the country. Andrew has also spent time at University of North Carolina and Elon University in male and female collegiate Olympic sports, and at the Performance Lab NC training high school athletes.